Mobile Escape Room:

– perfect entertainment for company event

escape city

Mobile Escape Room: perfect entertainment for company event

Client: Codeshare – event agency organizing a company event for Tesco Technology Participants: 100 people Time of completion: 10 days (since receiving order) Duration of the game: 2 hours Language: English


Witold came to us wanting an interesting attraction for an event he was organizing for his client. He asked for a teambuilding game that would be voluntary for the prticipants as that wouldn’t be the only entertaiment happening at the same time. The employees could choose what kind of an activity they would like to parttake in. We were happy to take on this challenge and list our main objective: – offer a new and interesting form of team entertainment to get the attention of our clients’ employees, – design engaging and advanced puzzles (the participants would be programmers used to solwing their own kind of riddles all the time;) ) – make it all work in a really short time – we received the order only 10 days before the event!


LOGISTICS: Looking for the best solution we decided to make it a debut of our newest mobile escape room. Straight from our EscapeCity labs rolled in The Black Box Challenge. It’s a whole escape room experience contained within a box – full of electronics, locks, secret doors and original riddles. We prepared six different escape boxes to exceed expectations of the participants.
escape room mobile
THE STORY AND THE PUZZLES: Keeping in mind our objective we designed a game inspired by the hit show Squid Game. To raise the difficulty level we decided that there would be no hints from the Game Masters. Like in Squid Game, the clock was ticking and finishing the challenge in time was essential – participants had less than 20 minutes to solve all the riddles. The similarities between our game and the show were undeniable, but don’t worry – we decided to forgo the original elimination system 😉


Finally, the day came – our mystery boxes arrived at the client’s parking lot and were ready to unload. We put the boxes and a giant clock at the game site. The game was available six times during a 2-hour period. Up to 36 people could play at once (6 teams of 2-6 players). Participants formed their teams and got ready to start at the set time. For each riddle solved they got a token, which they then had to place in the special slot in the clock – that way the teams could see the progress of their oponents. It’s a big challenge to make a voluntary entertainment appealing when there’s so much to choose from. To keep our game interesting, we dressed up as the guards from Squid Game – that way we surely got the attention od the employees and got them interested in the mystery boxes.
escape room mobile
It’s a big challenge to make a voluntary entertainment appealing when there’s so much to choose from. To keep our game interesting, we dressed up as the guards from Squid Game – that way we surely got the attention od the employees and got them interested in the mystery boxes.
escape room mobile


Już samo zapytanie zawiesiło wysoko poprzeczkę.

Jednak my postanowiliśmy pójść o krok dalej i postawiliśmy sobie za cel, nie tylko być ciekawą atrakcją na event firmowy, ale również tą najchętniej wybieraną przez uczestników (a z pysznym cateringiem nie łatwo rywalizować).

Czarne, tajemnicze skrzynie, ludzie przebrani w czerwone kostiumy i wielki zegar w centrum, skutecznie przyciągały uwagę i zainteresowanie. Wiele drużyn, które zmierzyły się z jedną z Black Box’ów, rezerwowało kolejną na następną rundę.

Uczestnicy tak się wciągnęli, że po 2 godzinach ze zdziwieniem pytali: „To już koniec? A gdzie możemy jeszcze zagrać w te escape box’y?” Słysząc tego typu pytania, wiedzieliśmy już, że wywiązaliśmy się z naszego zadania na piątkę z plusem 🙂

Let’s prepare something together!